These Forums will help you out when you are clueless to what to do.
Currently as of Dec 2012, This forum has changed hands, and is in the process of a new makeover, thus it in pre-alpha stage!
python IDE's
Python Integrated Development Environments (IDE). A list of of IDE's and info about them.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - an IRC channel that is friendly and helpful
When you ask a question the first time, if no one is chatting, wait for up to maybe 2 hours before closing out as to give us time to see it. 3 Minutes is not enough as we are not sitting there all day staring at IRC waiting every second for everyone to ask questions. IRC in browser
3rd party Python 3 Support
View 3rd party modules and see if they have been ported to Python 3.x yet. Even if the module you are looking for does not support Python 3.x, there may be methods to tinker it to work, BETA testing, etc. that you can use to get it working still. Google and research and you just might be surpirsed what people have accomplished.
while in the interactive prompt, you can use the help function to show the documentation for that specific module. For 3rd party modules you have installed you must import it and then help(your_module), it will show a description, classes, functions, version number, author. For builtins it will show class and methods and description of each method, etc.